Agronomy Update – August 31st

Hello everyone,

Another wet Wednesday in PEI; however, much of the province escaped the totals that were talked about earlier.  Southern Kings had the largest amounts (50-65 mm), while much of West Prince had less than 10 mm.  Most totals in the rest of the Island are between 25 and 35 mm.  Thankfully, the long range forecast looks pretty sunny and warm for the next 7 days, so hopefully we’ll be able to dry out for a bit after that.

I think that most growers would agree that the crop won’t need much more moisture to see it to the end of the season.  A long, dry September would be welcomed by most.  Some August rainfall totals (from PEI Dept of Ag stations)

O’Leary:  163 mm
Tyne Valley:  155 mm
Kensington:  173 mm
Harrington:  131 mm
Dover:  199 mm
Souris:  125 mm

Pest and Disease Update:

Spornado (Aug 29):

  • Negative for late blight at 11 sites
  • Positive for grey mold at 8 of 11 sites
  • Level of spores in Spornado samples not as high as found in Airspore samples


  • Late blight spores were detected in the New Glasgow area on Monday, Aug 28th.
  • Grey mold (Bortrytis spores) were detected at all locations and at extremely high levels in multiple parts of the province, particularly along the north shore in the eastern half of the province. Multiple sites with over 10,000 spores per sample.  Weather conditions are very conducive to grey mold development, especially in susceptible varieties.  I would strongly consider using a fungicide that controls grey mold in the next week.  The only fungicides that are readily available that have grey mold on the label are Bravo, Echo, and Miravis Duo.
  • Brown spot spore levels have increased in some areas as canopies are starting to mature and settle down.

Aphid Alert:

  • Aphid numbers are on the climb in PEI. Last week, total aphids climbed to just under 2.5 per trap, and green peach aphids more than doubled over the week before.
  • Preliminary data from this week are that green peach aphid numbers are increasing. This is about the same time last year that we saw a big jump in green peach aphids.
  • New Brunswick and Maine have also reported large numbers of green peach aphids.
  • Growers that don’t already have seed topkilled should strongly consider how much longer to leave seed acres green. With a stretch of warmer, dry weather forecast in the next week, I would expect green peach aphid numbers to continue to climb, massively increasing the risk of PVY transmission.


AIM Late Summer BBQs:

 All growers and industry partners are invited to AIM Late Summer BBQs, taking place next week.  At these BBQs, we’ll be sharing an early look at some potato samples from some AIM trials underway this year across the province as well as highlighting some of the other projects that have begun this year under AIM or with some of our AIM partners.

No pre-registration is required…we hope that you will come to hear about the collaborative research and extension projects we’re doing with growers as well as enjoy a burger or two on us!

Thank you to our host farms…we appreciate you hosting us at a busy time of year!


Dates and Locations:

Tuesday, Sept 5th at 11:30 am:  Dock Corner Farms
652 Oliver Road, Elmsdale
Google Maps:

Wednesday, Sept 6th at 11:30 am:  MWM Farms
Next to 6552 Route 225, Middleton
Google Maps:

Thursday, Sept 7th at 11:30 am:  Townshend Potato Co.
134 St Charles Road (Rte 308), Rollo Bay West
Google Maps:

Hope to see you at one or more of these events!


Ag Stewardship Program – PEI Dept of Ag

It is worth growers’ time to look into the Ag Stewardship programming available from the PEI Department of Agriculture under the new S-CAP framework.  One program in particular that many farms could still be eligible for this year that could be highlighted is the BMP 1.5 “Incorporating Soil Building Crops in Rotations”. The payment is $100/ac up to $5,000/year. Eligible soil building crops include perennial forage mixes, spring cereals (if not harvested and only mulched), and warm season grasses like sorghum sudan grass and pearl millet.

These crops must all be grown throughout this growing season (rather than put in as fall cover crops), cannot be harvested or baled/removed from the field (although mulching/chopping is recommended and eligible), and fields cannot be plowed or terminated until next spring.

A link to all of the ASP program guidelines can be found here:

Access to the application forms and general program info can be found here:


PEI Dept of Ag Regenerative Agriculture Farm Tour:

The Dept of Ag is hosting a Regenerative Agriculture Farm Tour on September 21st from 9:00 to 12:00.  Stops include Kingston View Farms and Barnyard Organics to talk about livestock integration, rotational grazing, and on-farm composting.  Please RSVP to Hardy Strom at by Sept 14th.

Have a great long weekend.  Hope to see many of you at the BBQs next week
