05 Feb Agronomy Update – Feb 5
AIM Local Workshops – Soil Building Crops
You’ll see on the image the details for our next set of AIM Local Workshops on Feb 9th & 10th.
Feb 9th: 9 am in Emerald, 1:30 pm in Mill River
Feb 10th: 9 am in St Peter, 1:30 pm on Zoom
This is probably the topic I get the most questions on from growers. I hope that you will take the time to have someone from your farm attend one of the sessions. Still open seats available at each of the sessions.
Pre-registration is required…call, text or email me to put your name on the list. We have a maximum amount we can have at each meeting, though we have a bit more flexibility than even earlier this month, provided things stay the same. Priority at in-person meetings will be given to growers/farm employees, but if numbers aren’t an issue, other AIM partners are welcome to join.
Myself and Judith at AAFC will be sharing results of our trials that deal with soil-building rotation crops, particularly focused on improving soil health and fighting soil-borne pests and disease. I bumped this meeting up in the schedule a bit, as I know many of you are ordering seed and making plans right now.
Webinar on new wireworm insecticide: Cimegra
Potatoes in Canada has organized a webinar on Wireworm Management Strategies for February 10th at 4:00 pm Atlantic Time (after our AIM Livestream is over!)
Speakers will be Dr. Robert Vernon, Entomologist & IPM Consultant and Anne McRae, BASF Technical Service Specialist-Horticulture as they discuss wireworm challenges and management strategies across Canada. Wireworm lifecycles, geographic considerations, and new registrations to manage wireworm populations will be reviewed with a Q & A to follow. Register for the webinar to learn more about wireworms management strategies and how Cimegra can help with in-season management and reduction of resident wireworm populations. CCA-CEU credit pending approval.
Registration link:
Canadian Spud Congress | SpudCon 2021
Spud Smart Magazine has put together a virtual conference for February 24th and 25th. You can register for free at https://canadianspudcongress.ca.
There is a great agenda of speakers over the two day available here (PDF). Topics include soil health, precision agriculture, tillage, potato marketing updates, and more.
If you can’t attend on the day, by registering you’ll be able to watch the presentations on-demand later. The virtual event also features a virtual trade-show and networking lounge where you can connect with others in the industry from across the country.
Hopefully see many of you next week!