28 Aug AIM Field Tours – Sept 2/3
Please see attached a flyer for AIM Field Tours planned for next week on Wednesday and Thursday (September 2nd and 3rd).
All growers and AIM partners are invited to attend. We can accommodate up to 50 people at each location. We will have disinfectant and disposable masks available for those that want them, as well as disinfectant for boots.
This is a great opportunity to see some of the field trials that we are partnering with growers on this year!
I would ask if you are planning to attend to send me an email or give me a call to register. Look forward to seeing you there!
Eastern Field Tour: Wednesday, September 2nd
1:30 pm Physiological Age Trial with Genesis Crop Systems/MacAulay Farms
Cardigan Road (Route 313), Southampton (4 km south of St. Peters)
3:00 pm Biofumigation/Quash Fungicide Trials with Black Pond Farms
Corner of Baltic Road (Route 302) and Glen Road, East Baltic
Central Field Tour: Thursday, September 3rd
9:30 am Crop Rotation Trial with MWM Farms
Strip Field across from McCain Fertilizer, Hwy 1A, Middleton
10:15 am Subsoiling at Planting Trial with Dunk River Farms
Across from 1111 Hwy 1A, Middleton (next to Hamill Farms)
11:00 am Crop Rotation Trial with Nevin & Carl Robinson
Across from 3312 Route 10 just past church in Seven Mile Bay
Western Field Tour: Thursday, September 3rd
1:30 pm Physiological Age Trial and Biofumigation Trial with
Genesis Crop Systems/MacLennan Properties
Across from Springfield West Baptist Church, O’Leary Road (Route 142)
3:15 pm Early Dying Crop Rotation Trial with Dock Corner Farms
Next field after 407 Oliver Road, Huntley (south side of road)
2020 AIM Field Tour (PDF)