AIM Research Update Meetings – Mar 19/20

Growers and AIM partners are invited to a series of local meetings on March 19th and 20th, 2018 to discuss some of the trials being done under the Agronomy Initiative for Marketable yield (AIM).  As well, this will be an opportunity for growers to provide feedback on their priorities for research and agronomy, to ensure that the AIM program continues to respond to the needs of growers.

Meeting times and locations:

March 19th:  1:00 pm at the Riverhouse Inn, Montague
March 20th:  9:00 am at the Boxcar Pub, Emerald
March 20th:  1:30 pm at the Mill River Resort, Mill River

Some of the topics we will be discussing:

  • Whole Seed vs Cut Seed
  • Fall Hilling
  • Site-Specific Technology and Management Zones
  • Building Soil Organic Matter
  • Early Dying Complex
  • One-Pass Hilling

See you on the 19th and 20th!