IPM Programs for 2019

Below is a message from Sebastian Ibarra with the PEI Dept of Agriculture:

Guidelines to the 2019 programs ca be found at the address below. The IPM component is described starting in page 26:


Make sure you type the name of the program you are applying for on the name of the project:  https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/sites/default/files/forms/af_bmp_application_0.pdf

There are four IPM programs:

1- IPM- Data based decisions: The IPM-Data based program is an option for folks using monitoring/forecasting services. Folks interested in applying for this program need to identify the Property ID, like for all the other programs, of the fields that will be under the service in the application form. Folks reach out the max funding per field at fields of 54 acres. Three fields of 54 acres will get you to $2,500 cap for the year.

Ideally, the application will identify the PID’s and send a contract or invoice from the monitoring/forecasting company so that we know the fields are receiving the service. If no contract/invoice is available by April 1st, a brief estimated date of contract/invoice will be accepted temporarily.

At the end of season, the applicant will need to submit the pest report and strategy implemented (copy of pesticide records in those fields).

2- The IPM-Trials: This program has been restricted to testing new strategies of pest control that exclude already registered products

3- IPM – Invertebrate biological control agents: For folks using beneficial invertebrates purchased from a Canadian vendor, abiding by CFIA’s regulations (vendors may include http://www.biobestgroup.com/en/biobest/products/biological-pest-control-4463/; https://www.bugsforbugs.ca/; https://www.naturalinsectcontrol.com/shop.php; http://www.goodbugs.ca/)

4-  IPM- Beneficial crop at time of commercial crop: If you have a crop or structure in agricultural land within a commercial field land that attracts predators, pollinators, or if you a nurse crops plants that deter insects or reduce damage.

Other programs and changes:

The IPM- Alternative crop program has been merged with the winter cover crop program.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Thanks !

Sebastian Ibarra, MPM, P.Ag.
Agri-environmental specialist/PMUC
Cell: (902) 314-0388
Fax: (902) 368-4857
e-mail: sibarra@gov.pe.ca