17 Feb Agronomy Update – Feb 17
Hi everyone,
Lots of up and down, wet and wild weather in PEI this week. Stay safe on the roads, everyone!
I’m excited to share details on our first (and likely only) AIM Winter Workshop of 2022 (see below). I hope that many of you can make it! Note the new venue for the West Prince meeting (O’Leary rink).
Save the Date – AIM Winter Workshops: Feb 28 & Mar 1
Now that COVID restrictions are being relaxed, it’s possible to hold one of our AIM Winter Workshop series! I will have a full invite with full details available by the first of next week, but here are the key details:
Guest Speaker: Harold Perry of Perry Farms near Lethbridge, Alberta. Harold farms with his father and brother, growing ~5000 acres of all crops, including potatoes for chip, French fry processing, and table. Harold is an innovator when it comes to topics like controlled traffic farming, reduced tillage, and soil health improvement; in addition, they also recently installed an biodigester. In addition to Harold, we’ll be sharing some results from AIM Science & Tech trials from last year.
Feb 28th at 9:00 am – Emerald Community Centre
Feb 28th at 1:30 pm – O’Leary Cavendish Farms Arena – Multi-Purpose Room
Mar 1st at 9:00 am – Riverhouse Inn, Montague
I’ll have some additional information to share next week, but please plan to come to hear Harold and have a great discussion with a fellow grower on a variety of agronomy topics.
Cereals & Oilseeds/Soil & Crop Virtual Conference – March 2nd
Linked (PDF) is a flyer for the Virtual Conference put on by the PEIDAL and PEI Soil & Crop Improvement Assoc. on March 2nd. There is no fee, but pre-registration is required to get the link on Microsoft Teams.
Speakers include:
- Alan Blaylock (Nutrien) – Understanding soil & crop interactions
- Anne Verhallen (OMAFRA) – Cover Crop Management
- Lesley Kelly (DoMoreAg) – When Stress is more than a season
Sounds like some great speakers…I would encourage you all to participate!
New SpudChat episode – Christine Noronha
There is a new SpudChat episode out today, where I talk with Dr. Christine Noronha of AAFC Charlottetown about wireworm, including results from research, IPM strategies, and scouting strategies. We also get into a bit of a chat about other insect pests, like European corn borer and flea beetles. Available at https://spudchat.buzzsprout.com/ or wherever you listen to podcasts.